Flex Drive. Get an even more flexible choice with car pick-up within 24 hours!
What's in it for you?
From 1 month to how long you wish
No time restrictions
No deposit, with fixed monthly rate
Car changing option
Buyout option at the end of the rental
Individual leasing. Long term lease, awesome gains.
What you get:
New car
Maintenance and repairs
Insurance covers
Road tax and tires
Buyout option at the end of the lease
Professional leasing. Gain even more.
Choose this and get comfortable with: a new car with a rate that lowers your tax, Miles+Bonus redemption miles from AEGEAN, and Bonus points from Alpha Bank.
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Do you want to rent a car and you are also an AEGEAN Miles+Bonus member? Benefit from miles accrual and miles redemption, to minimize or cover the car rental cost.